Like all Unitarian Universalist congregations, All Souls Church is self-governing. We have our own by-laws, make our own budget, and raise our own money. Major decisions are made by the membership at the Annual Meeting each spring. In between, the elected Board of Trustees and committees oversee the affairs of the congregation. While the committees are responsible for coordinating the work of the congregation, they are dependent on the members and friends of All Souls Church for support of these efforts.
Board of Trustees: Consists of a vice-chair, treasurer, clerk, and 3 trustees at large, rotating chair. The board meets monthly and is responsible for the overall management of the congregation.
Sunday Service & Music Committee: With the Minister and Music Director, this committee oversees the Sunday services and spiritual celebrations of the congregation. The Sunday Service and Music Committee generally meets monthly
Social Action & Environmental Group: Coordinates events of various kinds in the area of social justice and environmental responsibility. The Social Action & Environmental Committee generally meets on the second Tuesday of the month.
Membership and Welcoming: Coordinates our efforts to welcome and integrate new members to the All Souls community, provides hospitality, and maintains our status as a WELCOMING CONGREGATION. They organize our very popular potluck suppers.
Building & Grounds Committee: Oversees the care of our beautiful building and its grounds.
Book Group
Connection Circle
Writing Group