What’s Happening
Sunday, January 5 at 10:30 am in the Parish Hall:
Potluck Brunch Food for the Soul Service in person only
Sunday, January 5 at 12 noon at All Souls AND
Tuesday, January 14 at 7:15 pm on zoom: Social Action
Tuesday, January 7 at 6:30 pm: Board of Trustees
Wednesday, January 8, 15, 22 and 29 at 2:30 pm:
Connection Circles on zoom
Wednesday, January 8 at 7 pm: Reading Group on zoom
Saturday, January 11 at 10 am: first WEAV on zoom
Monday, January 13 at 5:30 pm: Sunday Service and Music Committee on zoom
Saturday, January 18 at 6 pm in the Parish Hall:
Potluck Supper and YANKEE SWAP in person only
Friday, January 24 at 6 pm: Chimes submission deadline
Wednesday, Jan 29 at 4 pm: Writing Group on zoom
All are welcome!
visit www.allsoulsbraintree.org for details
attend on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/96571006038
Alcoholics Anonymous AA meetings are held at All Souls Church
on Mondays at 7 pm and on Tuesdays at 8 pm. These meetings are run by AA.
All church meetings take place on the Zoom platform on Eastern Standard Time
unless otherwise stated.
The link is https://zoom.us/j/96571006038
Weather Cancellations
IF the weather looks bad – Are Church Services Cancelled?
If service or church main events have to be cancelled due to snow or other weather conditions, we post notices on WCVB Channel 5; on our website; on our Facebook page HERE; and by message on our church phone 781-843-1388. When possible, we will send out an email to all on our mailing list. Of course, if we lose power or internet, such communication won’t be possible until power is restored. As always, please use your best judgment if traveling to church might be difficult for you.
Cancellations of Meetings and Groups:
For church-sponsored meetings or activities, whenever possible, this information will be provided on our website, Facebook page and on the channels as above. For Outside Groups that meet at the church such as AA, please check with the group leader. As always, we urge you to use your discretion when deciding whether or not to travel to the church in inclement weather.
ADDRESS 196 Elm Street, corner of Church and Elm streets, in Braintree, MA Mail to PO Box 850219, Braintree, MA 02185 781-843-1388 |