Direction with Intention -
Small group discussions about our plans for becoming a lay led congregation in the 2024-25 church year will be held on All Souls’ Zoom platform on Monday, January 29 at 10:30 AM and Thursday, February 1 at 7 pm. There will also be an in-person discussion on Sunday, February 4 at 12 noon following the potluck brunch service.
Connection Circles provide a time to check in with old friends and welcome new ones. Tune in Thursday, January 25 on Zoom at 3:30 EST as we discuss a topic of interest. #We welcome new attendees who would like to forge some new connections. #connection #chat #allsoulsbraintree
Spiritual Writing Group meets the last Wednesday of the month at 4 pm EST on Zoom. Visit for link On January 24 the theme will be “An item I have been holding on to for way too long.” All are welcome to please come and join us. If you like to write and you want your stories written in your own words, this is the group you have been looking for!
![]() This Coming Sunday … This Sunday we look forward to welcoming guests who may be attending from other congregations of our regional Five Points Cluster. In this church year, Sharon and Stoughton have welcomed All Souls members and friends to their services, and now it’s our turn to be the host. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know our UU colleagues and exchange perspectives and experiences. The Five Points Cluster is a collaboration among Unitarian Universalist congregations in Southeastern Massachusetts, including churches from Brockton, Canton, Foxborough, North Easton, Sharon, Stoughton, Attleboro, and Braintree. The five points stand for: Collaboration | Taking Action | Sharing Resources | Empowerment | Service. Learn more at Uncle Tom January 14 at 10:30 am Sunday Service Theme Liberating Uncle Tom Rev. Beau Rivers According to an African proverb,“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” Join us as we discover the real Uncle Tom. Services are held on Sundays at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary, followed by an informal coffee hour. Assistive listening devices and large print orders of service are available. Images and song lyrics are shown on a large screen at the front of the church. Service is live-streamed on Zoom and on Facebook. The Zoom link for services is Exterior doors are locked while we are in service. If you arrive at the church after 10:30 am, please ring the bell at the RAMP door and an usher will be happy to let you in. Happy 2024 !! I hope you had a pleasant and wonderful holiday season. Thank you very much to everyone who donated cookies, cider and crock pots towards the refreshments for our Christmas Eve service. The first Saturday evening potluck of the new year will be our traditional Yankee Swap. It will take place on the 20th at 6PM. If you would like to participate in the swap, then we ask a $20 limit for a new item, please. In addition, re-gifted and recycled items are all welcome! Everyone is welcome to join us even if not participating in the swap. Please contact Kathy and/or Joe with questions. An update will be communicated when the Visitor Orientation classes have been rescheduled. If you are interested in attending, please contact Reverend Beau and/or Joe along with any questions. Thank you, Joe ![]() Minister's Message In This New Year Beth Monhollen, adapted “In This New Year, May we leave behind the weight of unfulfilled resolutions, unrealized dreams, and unrealistic expectations. May we unpack the heavy weight of stories that tell us we are unworthy and unlovable. May we remember we each carry, inside us, a spark of the Divine. In this new year, May we carry kindness, gentleness, and hope to hold us through the hardest days and the most daunting risks. May we carry the weight of memory to reminds us, who we are, and the weight of spirit to reminds us, we are still becoming. May we carry the seed of knowledge to teach us how improvement and growth aren’t linear and individualistic, but cyclical and communal. May we carry the wisdom to seek rest and connection, and lean into mutual care. May we carry the knowledge that happiness and success take many shapes and one of those shapes is purpose. May we carry purpose lightly, trusting it to change, evolve, and surprise us. May we carry curiosity, wonder, and the ability to be surprised. This year, may we carry space for all our flaws, all our longings, and all our love, and remember the truly daring adventure of life is to show up wholly, authentically, and lovingly as ourselves. May we carry these blessings, and each other into the new year.” Wishing You and Your Loved Ones A Blessed New Year! Warmly, Rev. Beau These pictures were taken by Maureen Ellstrom at the Dickens Festival Holiday Craft Fair held at All Souls Braintree on November 19, 2023. |